Roboforex 是一个好的经纪人吗 ?

机械外汇 是一家位于伯利兹的外汇经纪商,成立于 2009 并受 IFSC 监管 (CySEC 为其欧洲部门). RoboForex 也是金融委员会的成员, 它向 20,000 欧元的赔偿基金捐款.

RoboForex 大约有 12,000 以下类别中的项目: 外汇, 索引, 股票, 加密货币, ETF, 商品, 和金属.

以美元计价的账户可进行小额交易, 欧元, 金子, 或人民币. 有伊斯兰账户可以访问.

元交易者 4, 元交易者 5, cTrader, 和 R Stocks Trader 是可用的交易平台之一; CopyFX 平台可用于复制交易.

RoboForex 提供 R Trader 用于创建自动交易解决方案. VPS服务, 分析中心, 和滚动促销是其他服务之一.

请阅读我们的 RoboForex 评论并在下面的评论部分与该经纪人分享您的实时交易经验.

机械外汇 :

RoboForex Ltd 是一家受 IFSC 监管的国际经纪商,许可证号为 IFSC/60/271/TS.

如果你加入 5 百万交易者与 RoboForex?

超过 12,000 资产可用, 有八种资产分类可供选择.有限的加密货币选择
MT4/MT5交易平台, 以及尖端的定制交易平台
奖金丰厚, 联盟机会丰富, 并立即提款
💰 帐户设计 :美元, 欧元, 金子
🚀 最低存款:从 $10
⚖️ 杠杆:1:2000
💱传播:漂浮于 0 点子
🔧乐器:外汇, 股票, 指数, ETF, 杂货, 能源商品, 金属
💹追加保证金 / 止损:40% / 10% – 60% / 40%
👍 使用 RoboForex 交易的好处:👎 RoboForex 的缺点:
不寻常的投资机会 CopyFx.
加盟费用从 $5 每批并从那里上去.
最低存款 $10 是必须的.
只有 36 可用于账户的货币配对: 临, Pro-Cent, 电子通讯网络, 和总理.
在 R Trader 平台上交易时, 没有足够的比特币工具.

Roboforex 奖项和认可

RoboForex 获得六项荣誉 2019:

  • 独联体最佳经纪人.
  • 最佳全球外汇联盟计划.
  • 亚洲最佳股票经纪人.
  • 独联体最佳教育外汇中心.
  • 最佳投资平台.
  • 最佳投资产品, 全球的.

7 评论

  • Edith Posch

    I have been using RoboForex for a few months now and I am really impressed with the range of assets they offer. With over 12,000 items to choose from, including forex, 股票, 商品, 和更多, there is something for every trader. The trading costs are also competitive and the leverage is high, which is great for those looking to take on larger positions. The platforms they offer, including MetaTrader 4 和 5, are also top-notch and easy to use. 全面的, I have had a positive experience with RoboForex and would recommend them to others.

  • Heike Steger

    I recently opened an account with RoboForex and so far, I am really pleased with the service. The process was easy and the minimum deposit is only $10, which is great for those who are just starting out in trading. The customer support has also been excellent, with helpful and friendly staff available to answer any questions I had. I am also impressed with the range of educational resources and market analysis that RoboForex provides, which has really helped me improve my trading skills. 全面的, I would definitely recommend RoboForex to others.

  • Andrea Schöpf

    I have been trading with RoboForex for a while now and have had a great experience with them. The trading platforms they offer, including MetaTrader 4 和 5, are easy to use and packed with features. The range of assets available is also impressive, with over 12,000 items to choose from. The customer support has also been excellent, with helpful staff available to answer any questions I had. 全面的, I am very happy with my experience with RoboForex and would definitely recommend them to others.


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